The affectionate kitty likes human contact and is fixated on obtaining pets from every delivery person she encounters.

This cat enjoys being the center of attention and going on walks. The four-legged companion devised a smart plan to have her touched and interacted with more frequently. In her town, the cat has already charmed the delivery guys. After all, everyone who brings mail or items to the owners must play with her.

«When COVID-19 began, we changed to doing everything remotely, so we began ordering a lot of things to be delivered to our house, including ready-made food, groceries, and other items».

«Our job at home disrupted her sleep schedule, so she began to go out more throughout the day,» the proprietor explained.

The GPS collar and cameras allow her owners to follow her when she walks out into the yard. They determined that the cat was attempting to «communicate» with the delivery man as a result of this.

She gets the attention she wants, even if the person is disinterested in her.

The delivery employees like touching the cat, who has already established herself as a celebrity among them.

«She never fails to make  everyone in our family, even the delivery team, laugh. «People prefer to come to us and meet the cat,» the owner added.

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