Friendship at a distance: every year, the penguin flies hundreds of kilometers to visit his savior.

Juan Pereira de Souz, a Brazilian, treated a penguin after diving into an oil slick in 2011.
Joo Pereira de Souz, a 71-year-old bricklayer by trade but a fisherman by vocation, discovered a weary penguin on the beach in Rio de Janeiro in 2011.

It looked as if the animal had been caught in an oil slick in the water and perished slowly, since it was completely covered in a thick dark liquid. The man brought the infant to his house and cared for him till he healed completely. After then, Dindim (a moniker Juan gave to the pet) was set free. And the man went on with his life as usual.

But imagine his amazement when he encountered the grown-up Dindim near his residence after a few months. The penguin was in good health and had no desire to go.

The penguin now spends every year from June to February with his savior before returning to his native environment and breeding off the coasts of Argentina and Chile.

Except for his savior, the penguin is not handed to anybody else. He has so much faith in the man that he gets onto his lap and lets him bathe him. Maybe the penguin thinks of the man as a member of his family. The fact that the bird waggles its tail and lets out a joyous scream when he sees his savior is very impressive. In the same way as a dog does.
He travels thousands of kilometers to Brazil for the sixth year in a row, just to spend the following 8-9 months with his rescuer.

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