When the triplets were reunited after ten years, they discovered that they had taken part in a groundbreaking experiment.

Edmond enrolled at the brand-new institution for the first time in 1980 at the age of 19. The same day, Edmond discovered he has two other identical brothers, which startled him. Another surprise was that all three of them had participated in a special experiment. Students took Edmond’s twin to the university that day.

The two men, who had a foster family upbringing, complemented one another perfectly. The name of Edmond’s brother was Derek. A few months later, when the twins were reunited, David, a student at another institution, watched a TV program about it. He was almost as shocked to see that Derek and Edmond were exact duplicates of him.

When the three of them finally got together, it turned out that their adoptive parents had no idea the other brothers even existed. There was only one twin reared in each family. In the end, they were informed about the odd project when they met with officials.

It turns out that the eminent child psychologist was interested in the potential impact of a person’s surroundings on the development of their character. The twins became renowned and wealthy after their reunion. The brothers’ lives were largely prosperous.

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