The identical twins recount memorable experiences from their life as they celebrate turning 100.

On December 23, 1921, Nona Matthews and Edith Antonczekki were both born in a city near Boston. Learn about their extensive and fascinating shared history. Since birth, they have shared all of their experiences.

Margaret Shaffer, a neighbor of one of the twins, provided background information on the ladies and described how they are different from one another. Their mother had to work in a shoe factory to provide for the family. They would dress up as Nona, pretend to be teachers, swap classes, and help their mother care for their younger brother John.

Nona raised three children. Despite the fact that they are both in good health, they no longer drive and rely on the kindness of their friends and neighbors, according to Edith. They are driven to church and the grocery store, and Nona performs the most of the culinary labor, she continued.

Nona claims that the sisters’ true secret to longevity is to “live a pure life to get to paradise,” despite the fact that she cooks delicious meals like fresh salmon and eggs on toast.

Amazing, isn’t it?

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