The death of his newborn child was discussed by Cristiano Ronaldo, who described it as “the most difficult time of my life.”

The football player’s year is not going to be easy. In recent years, his athletic success has slightly decreased. The previous spring, the athlete also lost his young kid. Naturally, the forward told his admirers about this right away, but he never mentioned it again.

However, in a talk that ended up being one of the most contentious of the year, he went into considerable detail about his experiences. The possibility of something going wrong is never ever contemplated when you become a parent.

And dealing with any issue is extremely challenging,’ he emphasized. When he told all of this to a journalist, he had a hard time holding back tears and choosing words. The fact that the footballer had virtually no time to recover was the worst.

The contest never ended. There was a lot of competition at that time, the athlete said. He continued by saying that he inters his ashes with those of his father in the chapel at his residence. He claims to have spoken to them both and visited them both regularly.


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