The tale of a brave guy is amazing: He significantly alters after receiving a new face.

Pete, a happy worker, was involved in an accident in 2002. He started his journey as a human as a volunteer at an early age and has a lifetime desire for assisting people. He chose to go to work and committed his entire being to his chosen profession.

When help was needed, the kind guy never hesitated to provide it. Up until the day he needed aid, he had continuously provided real support to others. He was forced to do his duties without the proper equipment or attire due to an unexpected event that occurred in his home.

Because of this, his continued existence was a miracle, despite the fact that he almost vanished. Despite his looks having undergone a full makeover, he kept believing that one day everything will be alright.

His positive approach enabled him to pursue the case and get through all difficulties.

After a protracted search, Pete finally received his face transplant in 2015. He received a second opportunity to live and enjoy his new identity as a consequence, exactly like in the movies.

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