Four cubs have been taken care of by a male tiger since their mother passed away following a lengthy illness.

The mother of these four cubs passed away in mid-May. A few days after her passing, experts made the decision to examine the footage captured by covert cameras to assess whether the cubs needed human aid. It found out, though, that the tiger had already started raising them.

In nature, this happens quite seldom. The mother is solely responsible for raising the children once they are born. Mom can stay with the cubs for up to two years as she feeds them, exposes them to the outside world, educates them how to live, and helps them locate their own food.

Male tigers are solitary animals who seldom assist females. But the tiger’s behavior belied every prior understanding of these beautiful carnivores. The tiger frequently left food for the orphaned cubs and never left the area where they had established themselves.

Every few days he went hunting and came back with game no later than two days. In most cases, the tiger did not touch the meat until the cubs were completely pleased. Thankfully, because of their sponsor, they are well-fed, active, and vivacious and are already attempting to catch tiny things.

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