The 64-year-old mother resembles her daughter in terms of looks.

Stephanie has lived the most of her life in California. This year, she turned 64, yet she doesn’t look it at all. When she and her 34-year-old daughter are out, everyone believes they are sisters. The woman, in actuality, is against operations, and her beauty is the fruit of years of mental and physical training.

She has never had any procedures and manages to keep her attractiveness on her own. When Stephanie was 16 years old, she started modeling. She started living a more healthy lifestyle. She gave birth to a daughter named Ariana when she was 30 years old. The daughter, who is currently 34 years old, and her mother seem to be sisters.

Throughout the past five years, the woman has practiced yoga four times each week. She consumes shellfish and fish. The most crucial component of looking nice, in Stephanie’s opinion, is taking care of oneself. Stephanie said that everyone should start taking care of themselves as soon as possible.

The intended results will be obtained in this way. The most crucial thing is to maintain a good balance in all aspects of life, including nutrition and exercise. Age will then continue to be only a number without any bearing on looks.

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