An elderly woodcutter, 90, constructs his own Hobbit house in which he lives in lovely luxury.

One man decided to make his lifelong love of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” books into a reality. After retiring, he set out to build a burrow house on his land that was akin to the hobbits’ homes from the well-known tale out of a cellar with a basement.

A word of caution, though: if you’re taller than 160 cm, you might want to search for lodging somewhere else. Being short himself, the proprietor of the hobbit house saw that a dwelling would be far more practical than a cellar. Now, visitors from all around the world stop by his happy home, which was inspired by a hobbit.

The interior of the home is constructed of natural elements like stone and wood, and it has an intriguing door that was intended to be as similar to the one in the movie as possible. Even the toilet is in the same design as the rest of the house, which is comfortably furnished and heated by an open fireplace. The house is lovely and pleasant inside, and it also has an interesting and lovely outside.

The home’s owner acknowledges that he feels terrific and is liberated and content there.

There is only a sense of blessing; there is no strain or worry. This man realized his ambition, and the hobbit house he built was simply magnificent.

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