A big-hearted Golden Retriever develops a fondness for a little, abandoned kitten that has been rescued.

You start to see the phrase “like cats and dogs” in a new light after watching these stunning photographs. Love is the only word that can adequately describe the Gong retriever and the Ichimon kitten’s communication. Ichimon, a kitten, was abandoned by her mother as soon as she was born.

She was lucky enough to be permitted inside, and as soon as she did, she was overwhelmed with affection. The newborn was immediately enamored by Gong, the parents’ golden retriever, who quickly took on the roles of her actual mother’s substitute and closest friend.

Gong was Ichimon’s caretaker in the most kind and loving way possible. By the way, the dog used to take care of kittens. The kitty thus struck it fortunate twice: she was able to consult a “qualified professional” who is well-versed in this field. Retrieval dogs have already found homes for all of their kittens.

Gong went around the house hunting for kittens since he missed them so badly. He immediately felt a strong connection with infant Ichimon. Ichimon, the little cat, and the golden retriever have become attached.

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