Sisters decided to dress their dog like a college graduate and surprise him on his 13th birthday.

Many individuals view their dogs as full-fledged family members who celebrate their own holidays and special events. Recently, sisters, Pamella and Ollivia decided to graduate their dog Yoga, who was turning 13 at the time. This was an unusual choice.

The sisters say talking to him is like talking to an especially good and funny younger brother. Even though Yoga couldn’t actually graduate from college as a dog, his owner Ollivia snapped a charming picture of the graduate in robes and caps for him.

Ollivia, my sister, decided to sneakily photograph the new graduate for Yoga. Then, while no one was home, she swapped one of our old childhood pictures for a hilarious new picture of Yoga.

Yoga certainly deserves a place on the mantelpiece alongside her two-legged sisters since she looks lovely in the image. Ollivia spent hours working on the amusing dog graduation picture in Photoshop.

Ollivia spent a significant amount of time photo-editing him to create the amusing graduation portrait of the adorable puppy. They adore their work dearly.

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