Your affection for dogs will grow as a result of seeing images of dogs saving lambs.

Seeing online images of newborn animals makes us joyful. They are, after all, young adults, and while they won’t make the greatest pets as adults, they are nonetheless adorable as young children.

But Little Jelly’s life altered after being transported to a very unique place.

Meghan and her husband built the shelter on the farm where her parents were raised in Ontario. Everything fell into place last spring after I helped a goat. Jelly was admitted to the shelter when he was just 4 days old. He was assisted by two dogs who also lived at the shelter. Jelly received affection and a hearty welcome to the farm.

It didn’t take them long to start becoming close. It only took them a few hours after Jelly came for them to relax on the couch.

Meghan found this when she came back from leaving the room. This day, Jelly and Dole were watching television while seated next to one other on the couch.

I took a little break and then came back to it. They were both content. The coexistence of several species fascinates me. The fact that this dog treats a lamb better than many people does amazes me.

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