A four-month-old giraffe cub discovers fresh life after receiving handcrafted splints to correct his legs.

The tallest creatures in the world, giraffes stand up on their exquisitely long legs. When a giraffe was born with limb problems, its life and wellbeing were put in jeopardy.

But because to the helpfulness of others, she was able to get help and is now proudly standing tall after wearing specialized leg braces. Fortunately, zoo veterinarians and orthotists at a clinic worked together to treat the issue and offer this calf another opportunity.

The clinic only works with people, although it specializes in orthotics and prosthetics. However, they were able to help the park create specially made leg braces for the giraffee.

The strategy was successful, and with to his new friends and special equipment, Giraffee was soon on his way to glory. Aram Mirzayan, a licensed orthotist at the Clinic, reportedly said, “I get an unbelievable sensation of happiness.”

I’ve never worked with something like that before; you have to be grateful for such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Without the help of these life-saving braces, “her leg position would have been more uncomfortable.”

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