Instead of the anticipated six puppies, this lovely dog gave birth to 12: What a fantastic story

Working with Cello has developed into a true experience for her owners. The dog was anticipated to give birth to six or eight puppies, but up to twenty little bulldogs were born, according to what the physician saw on the ultrasound.

The dog’s owner said that their home was exceedingly noisy throughout the whole day of the delivery. The owners discovered something on March 18 in the evening. The dog started to worry, and that’s when the first puppy was born. He was followed by others.

The owner quietly exhaled as the dog gave birth to her ninth child while she awaited the procedure’s conclusion. But the dog’s arrival made it obvious that the delivery was well under way. The moment the dog calmed down following the delivery of the twelve puppies, her family left for the veterinarian’s office.

After that, 8 more puppies came to the world after receiving some medication. The other eleven are in a good condition and when they will get bigger, the woman decided to gift them to others. What’re your thoughts.

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