Using an old bag as a costume, a 17-year-old orangutan amused guests and zoo staff.

A female orangutan amazed guests and zoo staff by creating a dress out of an old bag. It’s important to note that none of her family members had thought about it.

Gambit emerged in front of the visitors, startling them with her casual striped attire. Later, zoo staff members told the tourists that they had chosen to give the bags to the orangutans so that they could see how they would use them.

The actions of the orangutans first failed to amaze the specialists since they behaved in a manner similar to that of most humans, making use of the items provided to better their living conditions.

Gambit quickly caught the attention of the monkey-watching team once she was able to insert her paws inside the holes created by the keepers. The monkey made a second hole and inserted her head through it.

When she succeed in performing, the audience started clapping for another round. The zoo employees were joking to give the animal another bag for the future roles.

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