Following a Golden Retriever’s love affair with the dog next door, the narrative essentially takes on a fairy tale form.

Nobody expects to fall in love with the boy next door, but when reserved golden retriever Lily and her next-door neighbor Spencer first met, a romance developed right away. Lily and her mother Amber relocated to a new house in March.

Spencer was one of the first to greet the visitors. Despite Amber’s yard being separated from his by a wooden fence, the two canines grew close. We had never lived near to other dogs before, so Lily was thrilled to see another dog on a daily basis. Admitted Amber

Spencer made attempts toward Lily, but her parents just saw it as the start of a new relationship. Lily would regularly approach him and give him a couple hugs, Amber recounted. The biggest thing she does when we let her out, according to Amber, is jump up to the fence to check whether Spencer is outside.

Should Spencer not be outside, she will wait by the gate. Lily appealed to Spencer in a similar way, and he even devised a strategy to win her over. The only thing that makes the two dogs happy is the lovely times they spend together. Fortunately, Lily’s parents don’t mind when her lover stops by frequently.

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