The dog is content when the owners construct a special window in the fence so he can see the outside world.

This little dog with an inquisitive nature belongs to Alex. One day she spotted paint on her dog’s hair and later realized he had been peering through a fence, watching street dogs go by.

She said that her father had built a new fence after a recent storm had wrecked the one in their backyard. The space between the pickets, however, suddenly became open during construction of the fence, giving the dog a new perspective on the world outside his garden.

The woman claims she suggested to her father that a glass be put in the new fence so the dog could continue to look out because her dog was so drawn to the outside world.

It’s certainly going above and beyond to create a custom hole for your dog’s enjoyment, but it’s clear that the effort was good because he loves his new viewing spot a lot. She continues, “He waits outside for hours and only enters when we call him.”

We grin as we see him observe the passing scenery. What a kind present for this grateful pooch. He clearly appreciates his personal viewing area, where he can look out the window at the world beyond his yard.

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