The kittens of this cat lost away shortly after delivery, yet she became a mother once more in a matter of days.

A little while before she gave birth, the owner of this pregnant cat evicted her from her residence. Instead of abandoning the distressed cat, kind people provided her with food and extra blankets for kittens.

When the infants had reached an appropriate age, the family was sent to a neighboring refuge. The small kitties were then helped to find new homes by a charitable group that later removed them. The decision was made to sterilize the feline.

Despite this, it was discovered in the area where she was conveying. The feline gave birth to four cats around the end of 2017, but only one of them survived. The child struggled with it for a very long time before passing away in his mother’s arms four days later.

Surprisingly, the kitty gave birth to her fifth youngster at around the same moment. Every time John brought his cat home from the vet, he could hear a loud squeak coming from the backseat.

The infant turned out to be the most firmly planted of the litter.

The cat and her new owner were finally able to relax after four days of emptiness. Finally, after everything they’ve been through, they’ve located two new friends and a safe haven.

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