A stunning dragon-like bird with dragon-like feathers.

When you read science fiction literature or watch science fiction films, you definitely wish that all of these fantastic creatures were real. That would be amazing, wouldn’t it?

And we’re in a rush to please you: such creatures really exist, and we’ll show you one. Meet these nightjars, who appear to have walked out of a fantastic picture yet are 100% real.

The big eared nightjar lives in Southeast Asia’s tropics. Because these incredible birds are nocturnal, they may seek cover and protection at night. Furthermore, they construct nests on the ground that conceal their young and blend in with the dry flora.

On the exterior, these birds do not resemble any other bird species. The huge eared nightjar looks like a feathered dragon or a Harry Potter figure. Other nightjars exist, but they have such a distinctive appearance that you won’t see anybody else who looks like them.

Their brownish color mixes in perfectly with their environment, and their beady eyes are stunning. You’ll never say that flying dragons are extinct again.

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