A family received an unexpected visitor in their closet when they awakened one morning: a wild black bear.

A married couple discovered a black bear in their home in the morning. After entering the house, the animal instantly fell asleep on a closet shelf. The officers couldn’t even get the bear to move.

According to police reports, the bear entered the house early in the morning, opened the front door, and then managed to close it behind him in some mysterious way.

Before retiring to the closet for the night, the bear smashed the passageway. The thief was discovered resting on a shelf in the closet by the homeowners, who called the cops. The detectives made every effort to lure the intruder out of the closet. The bear, though, was still yawning on the shelf. He yawned and softly stretched, his gaze drifting to the door.

The sheriff’s office deputies opened it in the hopes that the bear would leap off and leave. According to the sheriff’s office on social media, their attempts were met with just protracted bear yawns. Animal control officers arrived quickly.

A tranquilizer dart was delivered to the bear. He was securely transported to safety before being released back into the wild. Authorities claim that the she-bear did not allow the bear to sleep in the forest, instead of keeping him busy with the cubs’ work.

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