After two days of begging to be saved, the kitten was ultimately adopted.

On his way home, Mila, the cat, was snatched up from the street by his future owner. The kitten had become trapped between the gate and the wall. Because she couldn’t leave her other kittens around, the mother was at a loss for what to do.

The mother cat had no option but to go to rescue the other kittens because there were so many stray dogs. It stayed there, pleading for help. He was lucky that the man passed him by. He recognized the voice.

He rescued the kitten and adopted it. The feline snuggled up and went asleep after not sleeping for two days. The rescued boy was given the name Mila. Kitty grows up to be a very friendly and lovely cat that adores its owner.

This love is reciprocated since the man who rescued him enjoys cats in general. He currently lives in a cozy, safe apartment, surrounded by his loving and caring owner. And may this wonderful man’s deed encourage our readers to do good.

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