A dog with a problem gets a new and happy life after being rescued.

Life on the street is difficult enough for stray animals, and their situation is made worse when they are in poor health. Jacky was the same way, avoiding venturing out on the streets. Neighbors offered food to help, but he truly needed a permanent home.

After learning about Jackie’s plight, an animal rights organization came to his help. After an hour of pursuing him, he eventually came to a rest at the garage. The dog couldn’t walk on all four legs at the same time.

In an attempt to scare the rescuers away, he continued to hide behind the car, appearing awful. After great work, they were able to capture him. As if he recognized he was in good hands, Jacky began to relax.

They realized that Jacky was born with a disability that prohibited him from walking after a checkup. They didn’t have an option but to remove his small leg since it was bothering him.

Jacky rapidly recovered and felt much more at peace. Three months later, a rescue group found him the right home. Jacky developed into a lively dog, and he is now an active dog living the loving life he has always deserved.

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