The zoo has received rare newborn monkeys, bringing the total number of endangered monkeys at the zoo to four.

A zoo just welcomed six newborn squirrel monkeys. The news has made zookeepers quite happy since it has boosted the number of inhabitants of these endangered monkeys.

The zoo currently boasts a total of 24 monkeys of the same species with the birth of these six monkeys. For the next fourteen days, the newborn monkeys will remain close to their mother, according to the zookeeper.

‘They’ll cling to their moms like microscopic knapsacks for the next week or more, creating an intriguing sight as their mothers jump around their show.’ The monkeys will most likely survive in natural surroundings with high temperatures.

They are one of the world’s smallest primates. In 2021, these monkeys were designated as critically endangered.

This was primarily due to terrible luck with the weather. There is another important reason why the species is endangered, aside from the catch for the pet exchange.

The government has undoubtedly given an application that Australian explorers use to report unusual natural life activities. This campaign contributed to the conservation of squirrel monkeys in some way.

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