After adopting an aging cat from a shelter, this family’s life transforms.

Dexy is a cat that is 20 years old. As you read about his search for love and happiness in the ideal family for him, you will fall in love with him.

Dexy was a twenty-year-old shelter cat who had been rescued. Others at the shelter may have figured he’d be stuck there for the rest of his life, with little or no chance of ever leaving.

A family had a clear idea of what they wanted when it came to adopting pets, and it was a kitten. They had two small children and two dogs at home, and it appeared that the only thing lacking from their family was a cat in need of a good home!

They did, however, come upon Dexy. The family had no clue Dexy would become their real love when they went to adopt a kitten. As soon as their eyes met the soft kitten with the white nose and gorgeous white paws, their life would change to a blissful purr.

Even their dogs were taken aback by Dexy’s immediate affection when they brought him home. They did everything together: they played together and shared everything.

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