The hospital employs a dog to work with them, and one of his main responsibilities is to meet other employees while they are at work.

Hospitals all across the world are in jeopardy as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. This condition puts doctors and patients under a lot of stress, which is bad for their health. A positive attitude, on the other hand, is a strong predictor of patient recovery.

As a consequence, it was decided to utilize dogs in clinics, which reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness, according to research. On her social media profile, a physician shared a photo of an adorable puppy that the hospital had recently recruited.

She is well-dressed, vaccinated, healthy, polite, and social. And all this lovely pooch has to do is greet the medical facility’s employees when they arrive for work.

When this photo was posted, a number of doctors replied that such dogs are also used at their hospitals. Both physicians and patients find them appealing, and they are wonderful for raising their spirits.

Some critics bemoaned the fact that their hospitals lacked such cheerful employees. After all, such people are worth their weight in gold, thus managers and regular employees should treat them well at all times so that the hospital’s animals are kept warm and comfortable.

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