What’s it like to share a home with such a colossus?

Maine Coons are a magnificent breed of cat. They appear to be true mythological animals due to their enormous size. A mature cat, by the way, may reach a length of 120 cm, including the tail, and weigh up to 9 kilos.

This breed originated in the US state of Maine, where it was employed to trap mice on farms. The bigger the cat, the better the hunter, it was thought. The cats got long and thick hair as a result of the hard winters in this location.

The big snout of the Maine Coon is another distinguishing trait, albeit the “face” of males is more attractive and smaller in size than that of females.

A giant Maine Coon farm cat is a lovely sight, and if it’s a homely and well-groomed cat, it’s the owner’s pride and joy!

So, this cat named Lotus has his own Instagram page, and he already has over 132 thousand followers.

The owner of this mustached dog demonstrates what it’s like to share a home with a massive Maine Coon. If the Lotus, for example, lies down on the sofa, its owner can only sit in the corner humbly.

And all he has to do to get a delectable reward from the table is stand on his hind legs.

They even purchased a special chair for him, although he barely fits in it.

Lotus is joined in the house by two smaller Maine Coons, a cat, and a young guy.

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