For for over two decades, the Pazhetnov family has been rescuing bear cubs. More than 200 bears were able to be released back into the wild.

The Pazhetnov family of Tver has been doing a good deed for more than 20 years: they care for abandoned and orphaned bear cubs.

The Pazhetnovs developed a unique approach for restoring the health of brown bear cubs for their company. They have already rescued over 200 newborns as a result of this.

The Pazhetnov family already has four biologists: Valentin Sergeyevich, Svetlana Ivanovna, their son Sergey, and grandson Vasily. They’re all employees of the «Clean Forest,» a biological station where they work as cub rescuers.

Svetlana has spent her whole life learning to travel through the woods, reading footsteps, and locating children in need of assistance. She is also active in producing a diet for their small patients at her institution.

Cubs, according to the family patriarch, require a lot of attention and specific food: for the tiniest, a combination, and for the larger ones, porridge.

It’s worth emphasizing that if a bear detects danger, she abandons her young and does not return. Brown bears use this strategy to stay alive. Biologists come upon these abandoned children.

People always wear overalls and have as little touch with them as possible to avoid becoming used to their fragrance. Bears are not offered meat, and they should not become accustomed to the knowledge that it is easily available.

Throughout the year, the Pazhetnov family saves 8 to 10 cubs, which they subsequently release back into the wild.

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