When the dog saw the photo of her companion who had died, she had an astonishing reaction.

True love can’t vanish under any circumstance, as this adorable creature demonstrates.

Lola, a gorgeous puppy, met her closest pal Lacy ten years ago. Their families loved and cared for them both. Their owner, Alli Trent, described them as “inseparable.” Lacy was constantly followed by Lola, no matter where she went. They were having fun, playing games, sleeping together, and living life to the fullest. They shared a close connection.

Lacy’s health, however, deteriorated. She began coughing often, and Lola sat by her side the entire time, consoling and encouraging her. She was concerned about her and was always on the lookout for her to ensure she was in good health.

Lacy, unfortunately, died away. Lola was not present when she passed away. And her grief grew quickly when she realized her gorgeous companion was gone.

Alli then chose to put Lacy’s photo on the living room shelf. And Lola’s response when she saw the photo was so sweet. She couldn’t take her gaze away from it and was wagging her tail. Her dearest pal was immediately identified.

Alli believes Lola is well aware that Lacy will not return home. She also strives to provide calm and comfort to the woman’s day. She is really intelligent and compassionate! And she always looks at her friend’s photo with a mixture of sadness and love.


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