The shelter dog, who previously refused to look at anyone, undergoes a miraculous metamorphosis.

Southern California Animal Control has discovered a tiny dog called Clementine.
The dog was condemned to death in the shelter due to various health issues; however, Elizabeth spotted a photo of the dog on the Internet two days before going to sleep, and everything changed. As a result, she made a direct call to the rescuers.

When the employee of the animal rescue group realized that they were interested in the puppy, Elizabeth claimed she burst into tears of joy.
Hundreds of applications were received over the weeks, according to the rescue worker, but none were for Clementine.
In this dog’s state, the rescuer indicated, a lengthy and unexpected voyage is predicted. But Elizabeth had already decided that she would go to whatever length to assist the stray dog get back on his feet.

When Elizabeth first saw the dog, she noticed that it had never experienced love.
Clementina was afraid of people and avoided looking them in the eyes. For months, she sat facing the wall, shivering and hiding behind furniture. Her eyes were sad and hollow. When they approached her, she never glanced at Elizabeth’s face and dropped her head. Clementine, on the other hand, trusted the other canines and was quickly attracted to his new siblings, Mousse and Maple. Clementine was looking for relief from new pals and strolling with them as a pack when Elizabeth saw that she may become a joyful dog.

Clementine began to feel better and quit shivering after months of various treatments for illnesses and allergies. She even ventured to face her human parents in the eyes. Clementina’s new favorite hobby is lovingly caring for her mother.

«She likes to stare deep into our eyes when we caress her. When we talk to her, she is quite cautious,» Elizabeth explained. «She is still fearful of new people, and she gets irritated with us if we move too quickly or climb too high with her, but she has come so far».

Clementine has transformed into a completely different dog, full of curiosity and playfulness, as if she is a puppy for the first time. Most significantly, she now feels secure.

«When we work from home, she sleeps at our feet. She enjoys rubbing his stomach. She has the ability to ‘experience’ all she sees. We believe it is her method of researching and determining what things are.» If you don’t caress her, she’ll shake your hand, and if you stand, she’s not through yet.

Clementine has come such a long way since we got her that she is no longer recognizably the scared dog that stands on the walls with her face down. She will now sacrifice everything for her family, who cannot envisage their life without her.
«She simply wants to be loved in exchange for loving,» Elizabeth explained. «She is faithful, she defends us, she follows us everywhere».

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