After finding him abandoned on a porch, a woman adopted a cat with abnormally large “glass” eyes and named him Porg.

A Chicago homeowner once discovered a package on her front doorstep. She found a white and black kitten with exceptionally huge eyes inside when she opened it and glanced inside.

The kitten appeared to be untidy and. Furthermore, a cut on its neck was discovered, prompting the mother to rush him to the veterinarian. The incision was sutured at the vet clinic, where veterinarian Elise Hall inspected the cat.

“He was bashful and dejected the first day, but the second day he began to attempt to play. And his large eyes made him stand out,” Elise adds. The special kitten entered the veterinarian’s heart right away, and she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

Porg was given to the kitten by Alice in honor of the character Porg from “Star Wars,” who also has large eyes.

Porg appeared to have a congenital eye defect at first, but she noted that he also had abnormally loose skin and had him checked. According to the findings, the kitten has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which is characterized by flaccid skin and loose joints.

“It was evident by then that Porg would become a member of my family,” Elise adds.

Elise began dressing the cat in various elastic outfits and dripping eye drops into his huge eyes to protect his skin. Porg got significantly healthier as a result of the therapy and began to mature.

Now that he is virtually an adult, there is nothing he cannot accomplish.

He remained a strange-looking big-eyed cat, but medical issues no longer bothered him. Elise refers to him as a one-of-a-kind feline.

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