After being imprisoned up in an attic, a starving and wounded pit dog is ultimately freed.

This incident occurred in Pennsylvania. When a cleaning crew was cleaning a recently vacated home, they discovered a dog imprisoned in the attic.

The poor man was frail and afraid as he glanced at the woman.

The length of time the dog lived in the attic is unknown, but it gnawed the walls and corners. The entire room was filthy, and it was difficult not to feel sorry for the dog.It was entirely flea-infested and really hungry.

It was obvious that the owners had just decided to abandon her.

Despite the obstacles, the dog still had faith in humanity, and when they approached her, she wagged her tail. The woman handed the puppy on to her sister Jamie, who opted to look after it.

Remi was the name she gave her when she was placed in her care as a foster child.

Jamie brought the dog to the vet, who discovered her broken leg. The dog was treated, and her owner began to recover her health.

She bathed her in flea shampoo, massaged her paws, and gave her medications.

Remy proved to be a wonderful, gentle, and obedient dog. She made everyone she encountered fall in love with her, and she got along swimmingly with the guardian’s four children. Remi was always calm and compassionate, no matter how hard the kids pressed her. Remi also made friends with the owner’s dog, a 9-month-old pit bull, and two house cats.

They instantly began working together on everything. After a few weeks, Jamie came to the conclusion that this dog had already found a wonderful home.

They made the decision to keep Remi indefinitely!

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