A dog born without front legs is refused euthanasia by his foster father, who decides to give him a second chance.

Nubby is an inquisitive dog that enjoys running about and playing in the yard with his owner. He has a full and joyful existence, which he was given by compassionate people who were not frightened of adversity.

In light of this, the veterinarian advised the owner to put the infant to sleep and euthanize him. But Lou Robinson of Texas, who has spent her life saving stray and abandoned dogs with her husband Mark, responded with a resounding no.

She didn’t hesitate to take care of the strange puppy and brought him home. She had no choice but to feed the infant from a bottle.

Lou and Mark took turns keeping watch, ensuring that Nubby was never alone, even at night. On the surface, things appeared to be going well for him. The puppy has gained weight and grown a little.

His ears grew and his eyes opened. Nubby could smell, identify speakers, and even attempt to bark.

The puppy, however, began sneezing at the age of one month. When the puppy’s nose began to balloon and he had excrement issues, he was rushed to the veterinarian right away. The esophagus was found to be damaged by X-rays.

Nubby was placed in the incubator after the veterinarian recommended antibiotics.

The puppy’s condition was deteriorating, but he battled for his life, just as his adoptive parents, Lou and Mark, had done for him. And it was the dog that did it. He was finally allowed to return home after a series of challenging weeks.

Since then, three years had gone by. Nubby grew up to be a happy and lively dog because he was surrounded by affection.

Of course, many steps are difficult for him, but he is unafraid to tumble because his owners’ caring hands are constantly close. Lou and Mark also purchased a customized wheeled gadget for the dog that substitutes his front legs and which he uses when he becomes exhausted.

Many people admire the odd dog. The Robinsons have set up a Facebook page where they share images and videos of their pet’s life. And it has been followed by almost 60 thousand individuals!

Nubby is an inquisitive dog that enjoys running about and playing in the yard with his owner. He has a full and joyful existence, which he was given by compassionate people who were not frightened of adversity.

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