A blind Golden Retriever and her closest guide buddy are warming people’s hearts.

Life’s varied challenges not only put our abilities to the challenges but also reveal who our true friends are. When Jake, a blind 2-year-old golden retriever, entirely lost his sight, his closest friend stepped in to save him. Because of his physical limitations, Jake’s life would be drastically altered, but Addie was ready to help him in any way she could. Jake’s gorgeous dog has been not only his best friend but also his guide and lifetime companion since then. Jake’s health problems started when he was two years old when he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease that stopped his eyes from producing tears.

For several months, they attempted a variety of therapies and surgeries recommended by an ophthalmologist, but their eyes continued to deteriorate. Soon after, Jake’s family was told by the vet that they had to choose between Jake’s eyes and their dog’s life.

Bored Panda spoke with Jake’s father, Kim, who explained:

“Both options felt terrible, particularly for a dog that had already been through so much.” On the other side, many families with blind pets contacted Jake’s family to share their incredible tales.

They were also taught that, despite their blindness, dogs are extremely adaptable and may live normal lives. Kim added.

“Our veterinarian also told us that sight is just the third most important sense for a dog, with smell and hearing being more important.”

After acquiring all of the information they needed, Jake’s family decided to remove his eyes and offer him a second opportunity. After the treatment, Jake had awoken and began wagging his tail, so it looked like his days of pain were over.

Despite the fact that she took some time to adjust to her new surroundings, her sister Addie was always eager to help. Soon, his steady progress was reflected in the ease with which he overcame obstacles and walked in varied settings. Addie wore a bell around her neck at first to encourage Jake to follow the sound, but she gradually learned to track it on her own.

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