Have you ever walked to your car and discovered a penny caught in the door handle? It’s an unusual and perplexing feeling. Many individuals have come to this conclusion after wondering whether this was merely a bizarre accident or if it had some significance. This turns out to be a cunning way for burglars to break into autos. Hold on tight, because I’m about to show you how to beat those bothersome auto thieves with this brilliant approach. Hold on tight, because we’re about to learn how to secure our own cars!
Smart car thieves insert little coins into the door handles, usually on the side where the passenger sits. But, why is there a door button on the passenger side? So, here’s the deal: your key does not function when you try to use it for central locking. Why? That seemingly innocuous penny has been lodged in the passenger door, making it impossible for you to securely secure your vehicle.
Let’s add some mystery to the mix. Car thieves are not just random snatchers; they have a more sinister motive. The thief could be nearby, hidden in the shadows, waiting for you to give up or become distracted as you struggle with your key to get into your car.Do you know what a DIY-savvy car owner should do if they suspect someone has tampered with their car door? Don’t worry—I have some important do-it-yourself suggestions to avoid the auto thief from taking it: