Meet Toffie, the smallest dog in the planet, whose sweetness can melt any heart.

This cute puppy has already gained Internet fame. And, as proven by his images, he is famed for being the world’s tiniest dog. Toffie’s birth is a natural miracle, and such a dog’s birth is highly uncommon.

Any animal enthusiast is unlikely to deny this small creature’s extreme attractiveness. By looking at the frames, you can see why it is little and similar to an apple. Monica, the puppy’s owner, is a woman.

She states that her friends have visited her regularly since she obtained this fascinating pet, and she recognizes that the cause for the visits is not so much her as it is her dog.

Isn’t he adorable? He’s a little over two months old and stands six cm tall. It develops and grows correctly and thoroughly despite its little size. Toffie eats and drinks seldom, which makes sense considering his stature.

Everyone in the house walks with caution since there is a good chance they may miss him. This infant is really gorgeous, and it’s difficult not to want to pet such a marvel.

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