The elephant dug nonstop for more than ten hours in trying to get anything from the muck.

The residents of a tiny settlement spotted an elephant excavating a hole right next to them. They didn’t pay much attention at first because it was a normal behavior for this species of animal. People began to notice something peculiar when the elephant began digging for 10 hours straight without stopping, and her herd moved away substantially during that period.

To avoid sunburn, elephants should take dust and mud baths on a regular basis. But this elephant was behaving strangely.

The people decided to divert the elephant’s attention away from the procedure by loading the cart with their favorite foods, supposing she was hungry. But she didn’t even bother to look at it; instead, she dug with all of her last might. Then, because they didn’t comprehend anything, many opted to wait. The elephant had lost her strength and fell off her feet, but she soon climbed back up, determined to complete the task at any costs.

When visitors got closer to the hole, they noticed a baby elephant that had fallen into it. The mother had been trying to grab the cub all along, but she simply got in the way, flinging more dirt into the pit with her trunk. The people recognized that time was of the essence and that they needed to act immediately.

It was required to remove all of the sand that the mother had thrown there, oblivious to the situation. The elephant brought out her terrified baby elephant eleven hours later, owing to the assistance of others. After so many hours of overwork, she was finally able to relax!

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