After losing his sight due to glaucoma, an 11-year-old Golden Retriever receives his own “guide dog.”

After losing his sight due to glaucoma, an 11-year-old Golden Retriever receives his own “guide dog.” Humans do have guide dogs, but have you ever heard of canines having guide dogs?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a blind Golden Retriever to have a guide dog who is more than simply a kind and loving companion.

11-year-old Golden Retriever who had lost his sight after suffering from glaucoma gets his own "guide dog"

When Charlie was a puppy, he became a new member of the Stipe family. Chelsea and Adam, his compassionate humans, took great care of him and showered him with love and warmth. They looked after their devoted and lovely companion, providing him with whatever he required.

Chelsea and her husband had been planning to have another dog for a long time. That might be a wonderful buddy and companion for Charlie, who appeared lonely and melancholy.

11-year-old Golden Retriever who had lost his sight after suffering from glaucoma gets his own "guide dog"

As a result, a 4-month-old puppy called Maverick arrived at the house. Charlie became used to the new member of their family over time.

Chelsea noticed anything unusual about their pets a short time afterwards. Little Maverick became Charlie’s biggest supporter, assisting him in all of his endeavors.

11-year-old Golden Retriever who had lost his sight after suffering from glaucoma gets his own "guide dog"

When Charlie misplaced his toy during their game, Maverick ran fast, recovered it, and returned it to his blind pal, as though urging him to continue playing.

They’re both a little wild and a little unique.

Charlie’s life became not only simpler, but also intriguing and full of joy, thanks to Maverick, who was always fighting his blindness.

11-year-old Golden Retriever who had lost his sight after suffering from glaucoma gets his own "guide dog"

In a short period of time, the Stipe couple garnered over 100,000 Instagram followers after sharing their tale. The story of this extraordinary and unusual friendship impressed everyone. These amazing canines demonstrated what beautiful and unique animals they are!

Please have a look at the video below to learn more about these two wonderful dogs.

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